Here at BB HQ we are obsessed with pretty nails and are especially in love with the Ombré trend. We know that sometimes its not always possible to “get yo’ nails did” by a professional, which is why we thought we would show you how to do it yourself at home — no fancy equipment required!
1. A minimum of 3 shades of nail polish.
We went with our favourite Kester Black nail polishes in delicious shades of purple
We went with our favourite Kester Black nail polishes in delicious shades of purple
2. Clear nail polish
3. Makeup sponges
4. Nail polish remover
5. Cotton buds or a fine makeup brush
5. Scissors

It is important to start any mani make-over with clean and smooth nails. So if yours are not up to scratch (excuse the pun) we recommend giving them a quick file and buff. I have applied a base coat of nail strengthener as mine are prone to breaking (hence the uneven lengths!).
To start give your nails a base coat by painting them in the lightest shade; we decided to use Fairy Floss by Kester Black. Make sure your base coat is fully dried before continuing on to step number two.
Tip: If you are using contrasting colours such as yellow,pink and green; it is best to use a white coloured base to make each colour stand out without clashing.

Depending on the size of your make up sponges you may like to cut them into smaller parts so that they are easier to handle (and you have more to use).
Get all of the nail polish colours you are using ready and unscrew the lids. Before you paint the sponge think of how you wan't the ombré to look, as the placement of colours will affect the end result. We have decided to go from light to dark, to achieve this we first paint a line on the sponge with the base colour Fairy Floss followed by Bougainvillea and finally with Tutti Frutti.

Holding the painted sponge, carefully press down onto your fingernail. Continue sponging onto each finger, when the sponge runs out of colour paint another coat onto the sponge over the original polish. If the sponge becomes sticky throw it away and apply the polish to a new one.

Apply a second coat to each nail by repeating step 3 to achieve a more vibrant result.
Note: To create a more blended effect you can dab the sponge onto your nail.
Note: To create a more blended effect you can dab the sponge onto your nail.

Clean up your finger tips by using Nail Polish remover & the cotton buds. Then finish your nails by applying a clear top coat, this will help blend the colour for a smooth and shiny finish. If you prefer a textured or matt look you can skip this step.

Can't get enough of nail DIY? Take a look at Kester Black's Handbook- A Guide To Nail Art for TONS of nail inspiration and easy to follow steps.

Happy Painting! xo