Cuter, cuddlier, with wayyy more cattitude than any Top Model search, the #bbcatmode Instagram competition was BB’s search for fresh feline faces to celebrate International Cat Day. All entries melted our hearts... but our ten winners wowed us with their killer personalities too. All these cuties have won a prize pack courtesy of Cattitude Club.
Who run the world? CATS. Get to know these fabulous felines below.
Favourite thing to do during the day?
I love playing fight with our dog Walter, and curling up in my owner's arms for a big cuddle.
Funny story about me?
My owners were told I was a girl when they picked me up, boy did they get a surprise! They love me regardless :)Favourite thing to do during the day?
I love grooming myself, looks are very important to me! If my fur is not perfect, I am not leaving the house. I spend a lot of time laying upside down, looking out windows and daydreaming.
I have an annoying AF younger brother who spends most of his time trying to ruin my day. YUK!
Funny story about me?
Once my cousin Digby was over at our house while his parents were away. Him and my younger brother always annoy me, and id just had enough. He was standing at the top of the stairs not looking, i just got so angry, i just pushed him in the back, and tumbled down the stairs right in front of my mum. Luckily she wasn't mad, she just kept laughing. Don't mess with me!Favourite thing to do during the day?
I love adventuring! I come back to mum with leaves tangled in my fur and ready for a snuggle and snack! I also loooove to sing especially at 5am in the morning! Trust me the humans love it #heartthrob #watchoutbeibs
Funny story about me?
For three months I tricked my family into giving me three breakfasts! They would all wake up and different times and I’d use my cute face and meows to fool them hehehehe no regrets #sorrynotsorryFavourite thing to do during the day?
During the day I love running around the house at a million miles an hour playing tag with Millah & Pockits. Mum & Dad say that our house sounds like a bowling alley when we are having our looney hours.
Funny story about me?
Recently Dad splashed on a beautiful new winter jersey. Whilst he was asleep, we dragged the bag from the master bedroom into the spare bedroom, and under the spare bed where we have a little hide out of our own. Dad looked under the bed and to his horror, there was his shopping bag, and brand new jersey that had been fully kitten customised. Completely unsalvageable. I suppose he didn't appreciate my fashion designing skills?? I must find another career!
Favourite thing to do during the day?
Hunt, eat, sleep, repeat
Funny story about me?
When Jasper was a kitten he was all out of proportion with himself, he had huge sonar ears and massive paddy paws. Like most kittens he had a keen sense for adventure. When he first came home with us he had to stay in a cage, but Jasper however didn't agree with that. After being left alone for five minutes I walked back into the room and was struck with the hilarious sight of him patiently looking up at me begging for help has he had put his head through the bar of the cage. He couldn't pull his head back through because of his enormous ears!
Favourite thing to do during the day?
I enjoy knocking things off the bathroom sink, jumping in the shower and getting wet paws so I can make a mess, chasing my fur balls after mums brushed me, and dragging my toy 'Mr Hot Dog' around the house and meowing at it.
Funny story about me?
Once I ate a bee not knowing what it was, and it bit me, and unfortunately mum happened to capture it on film as well! Talk about embarrassing!
“I'm so excited to be chosen as a winner for the #bbcatmode competition! I can't wait to see all my other furry companions!”Favourite thing to do during the day?
During the day I am allowed outside as we live in a very quiet neighbourhood. I like to roam around visiting all the neighbours who all know me by name and love me (can you blame them!)
Funny story about me?
I absolutely love the vacuum cleaner. When mum gets it out to do the floors I chase her around the house and lie in front of her so she will vacuum my tummy.
Favourite thing to do during the day?
I love to steal socks and underwear and do all the things I am not allowed to do when Mum and Dad are home. My favourite must be climbing the clotheshorse like a monkey. I’m not allowed to… but Mum knows as she finds tufts of my fur from where I have been climbing and sleeping on the top section.
Funny story about me?
So when I was new I would love to explore around the house at night and get my bearings. So one night whilst getting my bearings I found dads phone charger. He was a strange fellow and we ended up having a disagreement and got into a fight and well... I won! The next day when dad was at work he saw his phone was nearly dead so when he got home he checked his charger to find I had won the battle of Moose and the Charger!
Whilst he was checking the charger which is by his bed and finding it had been bitten to pieces, I was on his bedside table which has a lava lamp an alarm clock and his phone on it. I was there proudly meowing my acknowledgement of how impressed he must be that i defeated the dreaded charger... boy was I wrong... He turned and tried to, can you believe it, SHOO ME AWAY!
Noting him been unimpressed by my defeat of the charger I turned quickly, knocking over his lava lamp and smashing it onto the screen of his phone causing it's screen to shatter and be unusable… Safe to say mission accomplished, both Charger and his accomplice Phone were dead. See dad I am one tough Kitten! #Mooselife #Moosestricksagain
Favourite thing to do during the day?
While wanting to maintain my sophistication in the eyes of my family, there are occasions where i am overcome by extreme energetic bursts and feel the need to charge about the house like a tornado! Things might happen while doing this but of course I don't get in trouble all of the time, just when i am not sleeping!