There’s no doubt about it, watches have made a big comeback. Round faces are the favourite, oozing timeless style; and teamed with a beautifully designed strap they make the most Instagram-worthy accessory of all time.
So, you want to invest in a good piece... but you’re stumped about which one to get. We understand, there’s SO many to choose from and you want to pick the perfect piece. After all, you want it to go with just about everything in your wardrobe, right? Check out our guide below – choose your main wardrobe colour scheme and we’ve found your match made in watch heaven!

If your wardrobe consists mainly of neutral tones like black and white, navy or grey, stick to a classic piece to complement your everyday look. If you love monochrome stick to black, and a deep brown if you mainly wear browns or beige. Pair a basic colour band with a gold or silver detail (depending on which colour accessories your wear the most) and you’re set for a stylish look every time!
Your perfect watch:
1. The Horse Classic Steel Black Leather Wrist Watch 2. The Horse White Face Wrist Watch 3. Daniel Wellington Classic Glasgow Watch - Rose

Do you love dwelling in the dark side? Think they need to invent a darker colour than black? We hear you. Pick a watch with a dark coloured band and face for a perfect blend of accessory and wardrobe. A deep brown will blend perfectly with green, maroon and navy, and black for everything else.
Your perfect watch:
1. Daniel Wellington Classic Oxford Watch - Rose 2. The Horse Black Face Tan Leather Watch 3. The Horse Matte Black Watch

Think the world would be a better place with a bit more colour? If you love brightening up your day with an even brighter dress, then we’ve got watches that’ll make you feel like rainbows… sort of. Compliment your brighter wardrobe with a brighter banded watch! If you love combining colour or prints stick to a neutral colour like tan or beige for a piece that’ll complement every colour.
Your perfect watch:
1. The Horse Classic Rose Gold Grey Leather Wrist Watch 2. Daniel Wellington Classic Southampton Watch - Silver 3. The Horse Original Rose Gold Blush Leather Watch