To start off the new year we are making all your dreams come true! This weekend you can get a FREE DREAM CATCHER if you spend over $50.
Before you start planning where to hang your new decor, you had better plan some resolutions right?
We got some of #TEAMBB to share what they have resolved to do in the new year, that you can take inspo from for your owns dreams for 2015!
But firstly, as your fav go-to online store, we have a few resolutions and goals to share with our customers, that you can keep us accountable for!
What BB is promising for 2015:
More events for customers all around Australia!
Bigger exclusive range with awesome prints and prices
EVEN better packaging and faster postage
To become more environmentally friendly
Even more customer love
Buy a house
Take the boys on an overseas holiday
Be more organised
Spend more days at the beach
Get my a$$ back into yoga
Detox & restock my pantry according to 'The Whole Pantry' cookbook
Save pennies for a white Christmas in Finland for 2015
Save up for an overseas holiday
Read more books
Save $$$ for Japan
Take up Yoga
Participate in the Mother’s Day Classic and raise $2000
Run a half marathon
Volunteer overseas
Play more shows with my band at venues I haven’t played before
Make decisions that make me a better and happier person
Be awesome at my new job (obviously)
Surround myself with likeminded people, don't waste time on others that aren't positively investing in my life
Do more activities. Get a hobby. Ones I have come up with so far is making hanging terrariums with little succulents in them, this is yet to happen but I am sticking to my guns!
This year I want to be more confident and ask more questions; because if you don't ask you will never know!
To break code & toasters
To learn how to make sushi
To travel
Save money
Exercise everyday
Travel & be more open minded